We will be open on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Our Tuesday night meditations fall on Christmas Eve, and then on New Year’s Eve this year. Please, join us in celebrating the holidays in a quiet and peaceful way. We begin at 6 pm and we will offer a Zoom option.
Please join us for Second Tuesday Tea, immediately following Sangha on December 10th.
Join me in thanking long time board member, Nancy Tompkins as she ends her board service. She began serving on the Dharma Council, while the sangha was meeting in Plymouth Church. Nancy was President of the Board during the exciting and tumultuous time while the Dharma Council was looking for a building, the renovation and restoration of the building we meet in now – and very importantly; during the time that Insight Meditation Fort Wayne became a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. She has given her warmth and leadership during many years in the evolution of Insight Meditation. Thank you, Nancy, for your years of dedicated service.
Also offered by our teachers: It is with great joy and excitement that the Teacher Collective wishes to announce that we welcome the opportunity to join you for life transitions, such as weddings and funerals. You may contact us individually or as a group to speak with us about how we might assist you in your service. We look forward to joining you as you make this journey from life to death and the many roads it may take along the way.
We are all just walking each other home.
- Ram Das
With metta,
Tammy, Drew, Pam, John
The Board of Directors for IMFW, which is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization:
Tammy Dyer, Founder and Guiding Teacher
Deb O’Kelly, President
Pam Steinbach, Secretary and Teacher
Monica Cardenas, Treasurer
Drew Consalvo, Teacher
Nancy Tompkins
Josh Smith
Dora Rogers
Matthew Katinsky
Our mission is to provide for the study and practice of Insight (Vipassanā) Meditation according to the Theravāda Buddhist religious tradition and to support and encourage the development of community based upon Buddhist ideals, teachings and practices.