December 2024 Newsletter

December 2024 Newsletter

Attachment to Views

Drew Consalvo

Views.  We all have views.  It is our instinctual nature to adopt and hold views - opinions, biases, beliefs, and dogmata.  We can tend to feel like it helps define our “selves”.

All we need to do is check into Facebook to see first-hand the rigidity of people’s attachment to views. Theories, opinions, the parroting of diatribes of talk show hosts, infotainment news anchors, and various personalities.  

I scrolled through the past on my Facebook feed and saw that I had broadcast some views to which I am, or at least was at one point, apparently attached.  Taking a particular view on this topic or that.  Expressing outrage at some reported news item or other.  Denigrating or praising some politician or other with whom I disagreed or maybe supported their various views.  

And it feels so rewarding when someone chimes-in with a comment in support of one’s views!  We get all warm and fuzzy when we see that show of hands in support of our particular view.  It strokes the ego and feeds our confirmation bias.

This confirmation bias is stoked and solidified by being caught in what the Buddha referred to as, “A thicket of views”.

But oh goodness if someone expresses a view contrary to ours.  We can tend to shut down and coalesce even tighter around our firmly held view.  We tense up on some level both mentally and physically.  We can become acutely aware of this phenomenon thanks to our mindfulness training.  Watching the mind and body in meditation gives us the opportunity to gain true insight into our habit energies.

I say habit energies, because often, we will find that our views are constructs – inherited constructs - which come from our environment.  From our upbringing.  From our social circles.  From our relatives’ religious beliefs, etc.

These habits of clinging to views and our various opinions can be seen through our investigation.  If we are honest with ourselves and look closely, we can see what views we have conjured or adopted – my team, my nationality, my political party, my religion, my beliefs, etc.

Ever since we were children, we have been bombarded with instruction and teachings intending to align our views with one thing or another.  With one group of people or another.  And we cling to these associations, to these opinions.  It is completely natural.  We’re human, it’s what we tend to do.

But how is grasping after a view, a concept, any less unskillful than grasping after material wealth or fame?  Grasping after youth or objects?

We must work to be malleable in our adherence to views.  If we can do so, we may become beings who inhabit a delightfully different, more open, less rigid space.  We can suffer less.

May all beings be well and happy.

Update From The Board

We will be open on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.  Our Tuesday night meditations fall on Christmas Eve, and then on New Year’s Eve this year.  Please, join us in celebrating the holidays in a quiet and peaceful way. We begin at 6 pm and we will offer a Zoom option.

Please join us for Second Tuesday Tea, immediately following Sangha on December 10th.

Join me in thanking long time board member, Nancy Tompkins as she ends her board service.  She began serving on the Dharma Council, while the sangha was meeting in Plymouth Church.  Nancy was President of the Board during the exciting and tumultuous time while the Dharma Council was looking for a building, the renovation and restoration of the building we meet in now – and very importantly; during the time that Insight Meditation Fort Wayne became a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. She has given her warmth and leadership during many years in the evolution of Insight Meditation.  Thank you, Nancy, for your years of dedicated service.

Also offered by our teachers: It is with great joy and excitement that the Teacher Collective wishes to announce that we welcome the opportunity to join you for life transitions, such as weddings and funerals.  You may contact us individually or as a group to speak with us about how we might assist you in your service.  We look forward to joining you as you make this journey from life to death and the many roads it may take along the way.

We are all just walking each other home.
- Ram Das
With metta,
Tammy, Drew, Pam, John

The Board of Directors for IMFW, which is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization:
Tammy Dyer, Founder and Guiding Teacher
Deb O’Kelly, President
Pam Steinbach, Secretary and Teacher
Monica Cardenas, Treasurer
Drew Consalvo, Teacher
Nancy Tompkins
Josh Smith
Dora Rogers
Matthew Katinsky

Our mission is to provide for the study and practice of Insight (Vipassanā) Meditation according to the Theravāda Buddhist religious tradition and to support and encourage the development of community based upon Buddhist ideals, teachings and practices.

Scholarship Fund

Because cost should not be a barrier to growing one’s practice and in keeping with the spirit and practice of generosity (dana), Insight Meditation Fort Wayne (IMFW) has made available financial assistance for Buddhist retreats.

If you would like to apply for financial assistance, please complete the scholarship application form and mail or e-mail it to as far as possible in advance of the retreat.

Insight Meditation Fort Wayne holds its classes and meditation groups without charge, in the spirit of freely offering the Buddha’s teachings.
May all beings be well, happy, and peaceful.
Copyright © 2024 Insight Meditation Fort Wayne, All rights reserved.

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