Dear Friends,
As we begin to emerge from three years of the pandemic and all the difficulties surrounding fear, grief, loss, and anger, we are now learning about the current violence and terror in Ukraine. Whether it be a pandemic, war, or the challenges we each face in our daily lives, the Buddha’s instructions were clear. Taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha allows us to face the present moment reality with a wise and caring heart.
In the midst of horrifying circumstances such as these, acceptance of ‘what is’ is the first step. And for many of us, this is the hardest step of all. Coming face to face with such reality isn’t easy. Some of us choose to ignore reality and the suffering of others. Some prefer to hang out in anger and create more violence. Still others search for pleasant experiences in an attempt to comfort our dis-ease.
The Buddha’s teachings are always relevant and timeless no matter what is occurring internally or externally. Cultivating an accepting presence, one that gives us the courage to respond to life with our full intelligence and compassion, allowing us to respond rather than react.
Valarie Kaur, activist, filmmaker, faith leader, lawyer, educator, invites us to rise up in solidarity and send our prayers, our action and our aid. She speaks for many faith traditions of the universal love that heals.
“What if we made a shield of love?
What if this was the moment an unprecedented number of people around the world stood against war? What if we shifted collective consciousness so that never again would any government win support to start a war? What if our voices and songs and actions flooded Russia and Ukraine now, bringing aid and courage and change?
We can choose to see no stranger — to see the people of Ukraine as our family, and the soldiers of Russia as lost ones who can be called home. We can let that sight shape how we grieve — and what we do. Each of us has a role.
Just remember, my love, we are tired and wired and stressed from pandemic and injustice. Now, war. So, breathe and rest before you push, read and learn before you respond. Revolutionary love is not the sacrifice of an individual, but the practice of a community. Together, courage.” Valarie Kaur
Prayers of peace and well-being,
May all beings be safe and protected
May all beings be healthy and strong