As a practicing Western Theravāda Buddhist, I strive to follow the Buddha’s path to liberation and awakening. I see validity in, and place emphasis on the Four Noble Truths. Although human and quite fallible, I work diligently to develop the Noble Eightfold Path: Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.
If we look at the Noble Eightfold Path, the path which the Buddha assured us will lead to the cessation of dukkha, we will note that it is comprised of three divisions: sīla, samādhi, and paññā. Virtue or ethics; meditation, mindfulness, concentration; and wisdom. We could say virtue, mind training, and insight.
Right speech, right action, and right livelihood comprise the division of sīla, ethics. An intention towards skillful living must be in place if we are to reap any true benefit from meditation. It can be a very difficult task to train the mind “on the cushion” - nearly impossible if we are plagued by recurrent thoughts of misdeeds in our daily lives while “off the cushion”. When we can live ethically, free from regret in regard to our speech, action, and livelihood, we are embracing and developing sīla. Aligning our moral behavior with the precepts is imperative to progress on this path and a true gift to ourselves and all those with whom we come in contact.
Once our ethical groundwork has been laid, we can then begin to realize the benefit of time spent in meditation. If we put forth the right degree of effort, our ability to practice mindfulness will flourish to the degree that we are able to enter refined and highly subtle states of concentration - samādhi. These refined and sublime states of concentration will then offer us glimpses into the true nature of existence through insight. It is through our insight, our wisdom, that we realize liberation from the pervading sense of unsatisfactoriness in life. Through insight we can come to know true contentment.
But before contentment, before insight, before right concentration, comes virtue - sīla.
Every year around the New Year at Insight Meditation Fort Wayne, we offer an opportunity to participate in a tradition where we state our intentions to live skillfully and foster that ethical groundwork so important to the rest of the path. Our annual precepts event gives us that opportunity to state our intentions to live by the Five Precepts for lay practitioners:
- To refrain from harming living beings
- To not steal – to refrain from taking that which is not given
- To refrain from sexual misconduct
- To refrain from unskillful speech
- To refrain from the misuse of intoxicants which cause heedlessness.
We will hold our annual Precepts and Refuges gathering beginning at 6:00pm on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024, at Insight Meditation Fort Wayne.
I invite you to come and participate in this lovely gift. The gift of affirming our intention to develop and maintain sīla, virtue in our lives. The gift of preventing conflict.
I invite you to come cultivate the preliminary ethical groundwork for a beneficial meditation practice.
May All Beings Be Well and Happy,