November 2020 Newsletter

A Message From Tammy

Tamara Dyer

Dear Friends,

I hope this letter finds you well and at peace in this strange new world where we find ourselves. While this “strangeness” seemed to come upon us quickly, many of its characteristics are familiar to those of us who practice Insight Meditation. Impermanence turned our world upside down. The overarching changes suddenly changed almost every aspect of our normal way of life. Suffering, from illness, financial insecurity, and racism, inundated our heart-mind. And Absence of Self ensured that we understood that we are all in this together, not separate from anyone, anywhere in the world. We became dramatically aware of our vulnerableness and that we had little control of many aspects of what is happening.

Practices of the heart are critical in these times of difficulties. Each week, the IMFW spiritual community comes together to remember how our presence and compassion can nourish our own lives and serve the wellbeing of those around us. We learn how to steady our hearts, be a force for love and courage, and honor the dignity of all beings.

Please consider joining our virtual community on Tuesday nights at 6:00 for a time of meditation and dharma talk.

Though we are physically apart during this time of physically distancing, it is important to remember that we are still connected.

As long as followers of the Way gather together and meet in harmony can they be expected to prosper and not decline. As long as followers of the Way care for the vulnerable among them can they be expected to prosper and not decline. As long as followers of the Way tend the sacred places in their environment can they be expected to prosper and not decline.
~ MahaParinirvana Sutta

I have deep gratitude for the teachings of the Buddha that offer gifts and guidance to support my walk on life’s journey during these uncertain times. The sense of interconnectedness gives me solace and strengthens my sense of faith and hope that we can in some way help make a better world for all beings. May this be so for you.

Miss you all. With deep love and gratitude for your practice,


What's New - Update from the Board

Dear Friends,

Sangha House will be open for in-person Sunday morning sitting meditations beginning on Sunday November 1. The bell will ring each Sunday morning at 10am for a 40 minute sit. Masks are required and hand sanitizer will also be available. We’ve arranged the meditation hall so seats are at least six feet from one another. We’re using plastic chairs for the ease of sanitizing them. For people who feel safe gathering in a small group and who have missed the connection that meditating in a group offers, please join us. If you prefer to sit on the floor please bring your own cushions.

The improvements to the heating and cooling system at Sangha House are completed! We believe this should improve air flow and comfort throughout the building. Thank you to Gary Hogle for working with the professionals to ensure a quality installation.

We are opening up cautiously and with an eye toward safe gathering. We will be monitoring closely to see how this goes. Please continue to check email, Facebook, and the website at imfw.org for updates.

Tuesday night Sangha will continue to be held only on Zoom for the foreseeable future. However, we’ve begun installing the technology in the meditation hall so we can still offer Zoom, even when we are meeting in person again. We will also have the ability for teachers to broadcast from a remote location into the hall. The Board agrees that it is best to be as flexible as possible. Drew has been putting the technology in place so that when we do resume holding Tuesday Sangha at Sand Point Drive we will have options. This will allow those who are unable to attend in person to continue to participate in meetings held at Sangha House via Zoom.

During challenging times, there is a tremendous need for the Dharma. Insight Meditation Fort Wayne will continue to offer the teachings of the Buddha to help you navigate these troubled times. Please continue to support IMFW financially. We appreciate every donation and the Board is committed to putting all of the donations to the best use possible. Thank you for your continued support of IMFW.

The Board of Directors for IMFW
Deb O'Kelly, President of the Board
Tammy Dyer, Guiding Teacher
Drew Consalvo, Secretary
Alex Belyaeva, Treasurer
Ellen England
Nancy Tompkins
JD Nye

Our mission is to share the Buddha’s teachings with all those who are interested, to provide support to deepen our meditation practice, and to bring wisdom and compassion into daily life.

May all beings be well, happy, and peaceful.
Copyright © 2020 Insight Meditation Fort Wayne, All rights reserved.