February 2025 Newsletter

Feburary 2025 Newsletter

Beginning Anew

Tammy Dyer

“At our best, we muddle ahead together, hoping to get things right occasionally and trying not to do too much damage along the way.  It is in the muddling that we find our humanity; and in doing so, if we are lucky, we find each other.”

- Andrew Cooper

Sometimes when we try to begin a metta practice, it’s difficult for us because our hearts close down.  They get constricted or numbed out, and it’s difficult to open and soften the heart. Sometimes when we do the lovingkindness practice of extending love to ourselves and to others, we begin to remember all the ways we aren’t lovable, ways our friend or family member isn’t perfect, or the ways we have been hurt or harmed by others or the ways we have hurt or harmed others.

Alexander Pope, English poet, who lived in the 1700’s said, “To err is human; to forgive divine.”  It’s so easy to forget that truth, that to err is human. It’s really difficult to be a human being.

We so often go through life unconsciously, feeling grudges or feeling the grudges of other people.  We go unknowingly about our lives blaming others, blaming ourselves, or feeling the blame of others.  For some of us, our hearts stay closed down. We feel cut off and separate. We feel alone in life, in a lonely kind of way.

“But, in order to cultivate a truly loving and kind heart, we need to develop the practices that cultivate and strengthen forgiveness and the natural compassion within us.  Our ability to forgive allows us to make space for our ability to meet suffering—our suffering as well as the suffering of others—with a kind heart.” Gina Sharp, The Power of Forgiveness, Tricycle 2013

Opening to all of life with courage and with tenderness is compassion.  Opening to the reality of how things are is compassion.

So, the practice of metta, of lovingkindness, this practice of love, is enhanced by the practice of compassion. This practice of love, is enhanced by opening to the reality of how things are with compassion. It allows us to rest in a wise and peaceful heart.

- Tammy Dyer

Update From The Board

An Introduction to Buddhism is being offered by Pam and John Steinbach. This four week course is offered every Wednesday evening during the month of February 5,12,19 and 26.  Class is in person only at 2332 Sandpoint Road, 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm.  See the newsletter article for more information.

Day Long Retreats – Pam and John Steinbach are offering day long retreats in February; Thursday, Feb 13, Friday, Feb 14 and/or Saturday Feb 15.  The retreats are 9 am till 5 pm in person only at 2332 Sandpoint Road. Check our website to sign up for any single day or combination of the days to attend.

An Introduction to Insight Meditation Class is being offered by Tammy Dyer and Barb Lahman four consecutive Mondays 6:30 pm until 8 pm, beginning March 31, April 7, 14, and 21. Please sign up on our website.

The Board of Directors for IMFW, which is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization:
Tammy Dyer, Founder and Guiding Teacher
Deb O’Kelly, President
Pam Steinbach, Secretary and Teacher
Drew Consalvo, Teacher
Josh Smith
Dora Rogers
Matthew Katinsky


Our mission is to provide for the study and practice of Insight (Vipassanā) Meditation according to the Theravāda Buddhist religious tradition and to support and encourage the development of community based upon Buddhist ideals, teachings and practices.

Intro to Buddhism

An Introduction to Buddhism will be offered this February, taught by IMFW teachers Pam and John Steinbach. Classes will meet at 6:30 pm on the four consecutive Wednesdays in February at IMFW (in person only, no Zoom). The intent is for all who participate to have a better understanding of Buddhism and gain some insight into how these teachings apply to daily life. John and Pam look forward to seeing where the discussions take us and plan to allow plenty of time for conversation. The class will address the Four Noble Truths including the Noble Eightfold Path, the Three Marks of Existence, lists of the virtuous qualities, the Hindrances, and the different schools of Buddhism.

Classes will be held from 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Wednesdays, February 5, 12, 19 and 26. Dana (donation of generosity as you are able) is welcome and encouraged. You can sign up at https://www.imfw.org/intro-buddhism.

Introductory classes are held quarterly at IMFW: Introduction to Buddhism is offered summer and winter, and Introduction to Insight Meditation is held in spring and fall.

Daylong Retreats

February 2025

“What is it you plan to do with this one wild and precious life?”
-Mary Oliver
  Open Retreats will be offered:
  • Thursday, February 13
  • Friday, February 14
  • Saturday, February 15

An Open Retreat will be available at IMFW (in person only) led by John and Pamela Steinbach. You are welcome to come for half a day (9:00 AM to noon) or full days (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM), on all or any combination of these dates.   Please bring a journal or paper to briefly note insights and questions, and a lunch if you are staying for the full day.  

The retreats are offered on a Dana basis, the practice of generosity: giving what you are able, out of gratitude, for IMFW and the teachers.

Almost all schools of Buddhism include meditation practices to directly experience the workings of the mind. Retreats are an opportunity to devote a period of quiet focus committed to introspective awareness and mindful attention.  If you decide you want to bring serious Buddhist practice into your life, two things seem necessary; a daily practice of meditation and periods of more prolonged practice to gain deeper insights into the workings of the mind. In the midst of our busy lives of gaining insights and performing outer responsibilities, a half day or full day or a short stretch of days is an opportunity to examine what this life is.  IMFW is pleased to be able to offer some intensive opportunities for inquiry.  This doesn’t mean that study of the dharma, listening to talks, and being a member of a sangha without a meditation practice is not valuable; they can all be of benefit to generate generosity, virtue, patience, meditation, and wisdom.  Occasional retreats offer deeper pondering of the teachings, observing the nature of mind, and reflecting on the activities of body, speech and mind.  Interspersed with periods of 30 minute seated meditation, these retreats include walking meditation, teachings, and discussion.

Please sign up for any retreat/day that you are interested in at https://www.imfw.org/retreats-day-long

Intro to Insight Meditation

The Introduction to Insight Meditation class will be offered by Tammy Dyer, Guiding Teacher, and Barb Lahman Monday evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM beginning March 31 and meeting four consecutive Mondays through April 21. Please plan to attend all four classes.

The course will provide fundamental instruction in Insight Meditation. Emphasis is placed on mindfulness practices of awareness of breath, feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

Explanation and discussion of the teachings central to Insight Meditation are part of each class. The course is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced meditators who wish to maintain their “beginner’s mind.”

Please sign up for this class at https://www.imfw.org/intro-meditation.

Tammy Dyer is the Founding and Guiding Teacher at IMFW. 

Insight Meditation Fort Wayne holds its classes and meditation groups without charge, in the spirit of freely offering the Buddha’s teachings.
May all beings be well, happy, and peaceful.
Copyright © 2025 Insight Meditation Fort Wayne, All rights reserved.

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Insight Meditation Fort Wayne · 2332 Sandpoint Rd · Fort Wayne, IN 46809-1746 · USA