“At our best, we muddle ahead together, hoping to get things right occasionally and trying not to do too much damage along the way. It is in the muddling that we find our humanity; and in doing so, if we are lucky, we find each other.”
- Andrew Cooper
Sometimes when we try to begin a metta practice, it’s difficult for us because our hearts close down. They get constricted or numbed out, and it’s difficult to open and soften the heart. Sometimes when we do the lovingkindness practice of extending love to ourselves and to others, we begin to remember all the ways we aren’t lovable, ways our friend or family member isn’t perfect, or the ways we have been hurt or harmed by others or the ways we have hurt or harmed others.
Alexander Pope, English poet, who lived in the 1700’s said, “To err is human; to forgive divine.” It’s so easy to forget that truth, that to err is human. It’s really difficult to be a human being.
We so often go through life unconsciously, feeling grudges or feeling the grudges of other people. We go unknowingly about our lives blaming others, blaming ourselves, or feeling the blame of others. For some of us, our hearts stay closed down. We feel cut off and separate. We feel alone in life, in a lonely kind of way.
“But, in order to cultivate a truly loving and kind heart, we need to develop the practices that cultivate and strengthen forgiveness and the natural compassion within us. Our ability to forgive allows us to make space for our ability to meet suffering—our suffering as well as the suffering of others—with a kind heart.” Gina Sharp, The Power of Forgiveness, Tricycle 2013
Opening to all of life with courage and with tenderness is compassion. Opening to the reality of how things are is compassion.
So, the practice of metta, of lovingkindness, this practice of love, is enhanced by the practice of compassion. This practice of love, is enhanced by opening to the reality of how things are with compassion. It allows us to rest in a wise and peaceful heart.
- Tammy Dyer