Join us for IMFW Fall Retreat led by Carol Blotter – October 4, 5 and 6

Holding the Opposites: Joy and Sorrow

Dukkha, suffering, is the main teaching of the Buddha – that it exists, its causes, and that it is possible to live a life without it. Why is it so hard to do? Why does our life still have moments of resistance, stress, malaise? Why does the world’s suffering sometimes seem so overwhelming?

The most common word in the Buddha’s teachings is mindfulness – being present non-judgmentally to what is occurring in this moment. Resting in this moment can bring gratitude, awe and joy. Can we live from that space in joy and remain present to the suffering?

This weekend retreat will study how to hold them both – the joy and the sorrow – in a heart broken wide open, therefore allowing our gifts to pour into the world.

Please join us Friday, Oct 4 at 6:30 pm till 8:30 pm. Offered in person only at 2332 Sandpoint Road. This talk is open to the public. Retreatants are encouraged to attend. Saturday, Oct 5, 9 am until 5 pm (bring a sack lunch both full days) and on Sunday, Oct 6, 9 am until 3 pm.

While there is no fee for the class, donation boxes will be available for those who wish to express their gratitude to the teacher or to the Insight Meditation Fort Wayne community for freely offering this class. Please register for this retreat using the form below.

Carol Blotter has led more than 100 retreats across the United States and has taught classes in meditation to spiritual seekers, schools, universities and medical groups over the last 25 years. Her 30+ years practice and study has led to a blending of Insight (Vipassana) Meditation and non-duality teachings from various spiritual traditions. She is the primary teacher of Chelsea Meditation Group

If you would like to register for this class or to learn more, please enter your contact info here: