April Newsletter

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In this issue:

  • Drawing On Our Inner Strength - message from Tammy
  • Update from the Board
  • Intro to Meditation Class, April-May
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, May-June
  • Refuge Recovery 

IMFW is excited to announce the following online events coming up soon.

You can also peruse the Calendar on our website.

Drawing On Our Inner Strength
From Tammy

The Dalai Lama, with his usual wisdom, has given some simple advice on working with fear:

If you have some fear of pain or suffering, you should examine whether you can do anything about it. If you can, there is no need to worry. If you cannot, then there’s also no need to worry.”

The teachers and Board of Directors at IMFW are aware when a widespread difficulty like the coronavirus pandemic grows, it becomes important to draw on our inner strength. If we are intentional, we can respond to this crisis by calling forth our deepest wisdom and heartfelt compassion. We human beings have survived thousands of generations of real danger and tragic loss by supporting one another in a wise and compassionate way.

I imagine that, like me, most of you are living with the mix of fears, sorrows, and maybe anger that appropriately arise with times such as this. It is crucial to honor the intelligence of these feelings and to meet them with as much mindfulness, gentleness and compassion as you can. The need for the Dharma is stronger than ever.

IMFW recognizes that meditation and a sense of connectedness can be incredibly supportive right now. That instead of getting caught up in some kind of collective fear, we can remember our practice. This is a time to remember to take that sacred pause and mindfully breathe, to get grounded internally. With mindful presence, we are more likely to respond with wisdom and compassion and more likely to contribute to the well-being of ourselves and the well-being of all communities everywhere.

We are reminded of Thich Nhat Hanh’s words: “When the crowded Vietnamese refugee boat met with storms and pirates, if everyone panicked, all would be lost. But if even one person on the boat remained calm and centered, it was enough. It showed the way for everyone else to survive.”

Below we offer some options to connect with a larger community and opportunities to support your study and practice in these most difficult of times. Until further notice the doors at Sangha House will be closed, and in lieu of in-person offerings, Tuesday night Sangha, KM group, and a Beginning Meditation Class will be offered online, via Zoom.

For the invitation and instructions of how to join the Zoom meeting, please visit our Facebook page, or the IMFW website. The invitation for Zoom also will be sent via an email to those on our mailing list.

We deeply appreciate your patience and support as we determine what and how we make this shift from in-person contact to virtual connection. As more platforms are developed, information regarding these online offerings will be posted on IMFW’s Website and calendar, on Facebook, the Newsletter that is sent the first week of each month, and to those on our email list.



  1. Tuesday evening Sangha-via Zoom from 6pm-7pm.  Watch for a specific Zoom invitation email.

  2. Wednesday KM-via Zoom from 6:30-8:00. Members only.

  3. Beginning Mediation Class-via Zoom-starting April 7-May 4-from 6:30-7:30-Sign up by contacting Tammy at tamaradyer6@gmail.com.

  4. Join the Gratitude Group by sending an email to ifw-gratitude+subscribe@googlegroups.com. If you have any problems contact Ellen at eeengland@gmail.com. Example of recent postings:

  • “I am thankful for the folks stepping up: medical staff, emergency workers, teachers, politicians, grocery store workers, IT peeps, delivery services, scientists, friends, comedians, family, spiritual leaders, neighbors. We can *ALL* be part of this list.
  • I am thankful that nature does not heed to any virus concerns.
  • I am thankful that love and hope will not be canceled.
  • I am grateful for the medical professionals who risk their own health to do a tedious and difficult job.
  • I am grateful for the medical professionals who sacrifice their family time and sleep to help others.
  • I am grateful for the medical professionals who continue to browbeat the politicians into doing what needs to be done.

IMS (Insight Meditation Society):

  • IMS teaching staff is offering daily practice opportunities on their Facebook page, at no cost. This is a rare opportunity for those who have never attended a retreat in Barre, MA, to hear long-term dedicated Insight Meditation teachers.

Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman:

  1. Tara is offering a home retreat opportunity at https://www.tarabrach.com/create-home-retreat/.

  2. At the links above for Tara, Jack, and Trudy, they offer dharma talks and guided meditations that might be particularly helpful given the current conditions of our lives.


  • Dharma talks from hundreds of Dharma teachers, monks and nuns that have been recorded and offered freely for you to enjoy and learn from. Many of these talks were recorded at retreat centers and sangha houses around the world.

The Dharma of Hand Washing: (Offered by IMC)

  1. Handwashing is one of the most ordinary activities of daily life that provides easy opportunities for practicing mindfulness and compassion. It is an opportunity to be mindful through our whole being while also caring for others. When we are dedicated and intent on practicing while standing at the sink, our body, hands, and the flowing water then become our “meditation hall,” “retreat center,” or even “temple.”

  1. Taking time to wash our hands mindfully can be an occasion to notice if we are in a hurry, distracted, or dismissive of the value of being present for a mundane activity. It is an opportunity to experience the satisfaction of letting go into the simplicity of one activity.

  2. Hand washing is a way to care for others. Even if you are not sick, your hands can easily pick up germs you then pass on. Avoiding passing on illness is a simple way to support the extended communities we live in, and it is a crucial protection for people with compromised immune systems.

  3. Practicing lovingkindness (Metta) while washing one’s hands can be a vehicle for developing both mindfulness and compassion. By repeating the following phrases three times, you get sanitized hands and spread love and compassion to all beings everywhere.

  4. “May all beings be safe.” “May all beings be healthy.” “May all beings be content.” “May all beings live with ease.”

Please know that I am available to talk by phone if needed or if you have questions or comments about what is being offered at IMFW.

Let us know what you think and stay safe.

With lovingkindness,


Update from Deb

Dear Sangha Members,
We, like everyone else, are keeping our eyes on the news and waiting to see when we might have a clearance to gather in groups again!

Currently, our Sangha House is closed and many meetings are being offered in a virtual format.  Please read Tammy’s update for the complete listing.

As soon as we feel is it safe to gather again we will notify people via the newsletter format. So, if you are receiving this, you’ll be one of the first to know!

Becky Pape is still planning on offering MBSR. She is exploring options for virtual classes should the need arise. Stay tuned.

We also hope that you will consider continuing your gifts of dana to support Sangha House, especially during these trying times. We still have all of our major expenses to operate the building, which are utilities, regardless of whether we are open or not. We rely on dana to keep our building open and allow space for all of our wonderful programs. If you have found the teachings or programs to be helpful to you in any way, please consider giving back.
Visit https://www.imfw.org/donate.

Take good care of yourself and yours.

Deb O’Kelly, President of the Board
Tammy Dyer, Guiding Teacher
Drew Consalvo, Secretary
Alex Belyaeva, Treasurer
Ellen England
Nancy Tompkins

Our Mission: To provide for the study and practice of insight (Vipassana) meditation according to the Theravada Buddhist religious tradition and to support and encourage the development of community based upon Buddhist ideals, teachings and practices.

Introduction to Insight Meditation Class
Mondays, April 6 through May 4, 2020

Starting the first Monday of April (4/6/20) Tammy Dyer, guiding teacher at IMFW, and Barb Lahman are offering an Introduction to Insight Meditation Class.  Tammy and Barb will be teaching the Four Establishments of Mindfulness based in Theravada Buddhism.  

They will look at mindfulness of body and breath, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Through these classes you may discover ways to wake up to your true nature, start a meditation practice and learn more about Buddhism.   

The first few meetings will be conducted via Zoom videoteleconferencing.  Please contact Tammy for details.

To register, please fill out the form at https://www.imfw.org/beginners-sessions-1
For further information, contact Tammy Dyer. Her email is tamaradyer6@gmail.com


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Mondays, May-June

This is an eight week course that is designed to train attention, and reduce stress through a variety of practices and meditations. The course is life affirming and offers participants an opportunity to challenge existing habitual patterns of thoughts and behaviors that can lead to new insights and ways of being. 

This course will be taught by Becky Pape.  To register, please email: Becky@MindMentor.life 

Where: IMFW Sangha House (or via Zoom if needed)
When: Mondays starting May 11-June 29. 
Time: 6:30-8:45pm
Cost: $160 
Sliding scale available upon request. 

Refuge Recovery Northeast Indiana

A Buddhist Path to Recovering from Addiction
Refuge Recovery meetings have been temporarily suspended.  Please watch our Facebook Page for updates.
May all beings be well, happy, and peaceful.
Copyright © 2019 Insight Meditation Fort Wayne, All rights reserved.

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